Various links I came across

In our world, 1+1=2, 2+2=4, and so we become selfish, we take money and we don't share, but if 1+1=1 or 1+1=11!..And that's beautiful!

Jean-Claude Vandamme — Belgian actor


  • Forget/ignore the name of that weird LaTeX symbol, just draw it here, or if you are a poor drawer but very patient, check it here.

  • A list of useful/important tools, best practices, tips and other guidelines when writing scientific papers can be found here.

  • Amazing list of free and/or open-source technical textbooks.

On optimistic research

On pessimistic research

For students

Open source projects that got my attention

  • Prince of Persia 1985 source code

  • A list of practical projects that anyone can solve in any programming language.

  • Le Low-tech Lab est un programme de recherche et de documentation Open-Source visant à valoriser l’innovation low-tech tout en boostant son développement.

  • A curated list of open-source space-related projects, APIs, data, and other resources.


  • Here he comes to save the day!